PANEL: How can Business & IT Combine their Strengths?
Wednesday, June 30, 2021, 11:05 AM - 11:35 AM
Dennis Bork Corrado De Sanctis Andreas Intemann Phil Scone Andrea Hirzle-Yager

In the digital age, the collaboration between business departments and IT is a crucial success factor for delivering valuable outcome and performance. This requires an organizational setup to establish IT as a competitive edge with an orchestrated and business value-driven IT setup. But how to focus on business outcomes? And what does that mean for standardization, security, and costs across the foundational IT setup? These questions will be answered in this session. 1. What are the key success factors to implement an orchestrated IT setup across multiple business segments? 2. How can you prevent to build new barriers between decentral business segments and the central organizer? 3. What are common patterns to define responsibility between business segment IT and central IT?

Agile Enterprise
Day 2 - Track 1