PANEL: Multi Cloud Integration and Management - How to Move Digitalization Forward
Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
Anna Medkouri Alexandra Classen Shawn Kingsberry

To accomplish the Digital Journey, enterprises are frog-marching towards Multi-Cloud Model or even further. Public Cloud options become an essential component as part of the cloud adoption Journey, but have their stumbling stones. Organizations are now searching for the answer of how to accelerate and optimize cloud adaption. The main questions question are – how to move workload, how to set-up the cloud operating platform and what to do with their DC assets and workforce. This panel of experts will discuss - o What are the options to move to the cloud? o What are examples of cloud adoption strategies? o How can SIs help with the could adoption and challenges? o What is the right balance between cloud and traditional hosting? o Ways to avoid Vendor Lock in the cloud? o What is the Best Practice Set-Up for the Eco-System?

Cloud & Platform Solutions
Day 1- Track 2